Saturday, November 22, 2014

Be A Missionary In Your Everyday Life

Such a cool thought that the Lord's army is getting younger and younger and that means there's more of us to fight against the Adversary.  
If you don't have a testimony now, get one.
The blessings of safety,  peace, and no confusion :) are indescribable. 

Members don't know how much the missionaries need them! If you DO know, then you should do something about it.
We want to get to know them and have them trust us, and we want to just share scriptures for like 15 mins when we stop by, and we want to follow up for a sec the next's really not THAT much! Oh, we also want you to have a missionary experience like some of the following: (ideas if you have none or are scared to do it)

-Say hello to your neighbors. If you do that already, go a step further and strike up a conversation. Or further, and invite them over.
-Give the grocery lady a pass along card
-Share an inspiring thought/pic on Facebook (it reaches millions)
-Go to the temple!
Well now, isn't that easy!?
I wish it was that easy for full time missionaries :)
I know you all are doing your best, but who can't be a better missionary?! I CAN! :)

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